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The Organizing Trend

An Organized World

The global trends of family structure and speed of daily life have changed the landscape of retail merchandise toward organizing the home and providing decorative storage solutions. These trends have also increased the demand for professional organizers, as more and more people get backlogs of clutter.

TV shows like Bravo’s Queer Eye for a Straight Guy, TLC’s Clean Sweep, and HGTV’s Mission Organization have all put the focus on getting organized. Even decorating, talk shows, and news programs have jumped in to feature disorganization issues.

Real Simple Magazine puts emphasis on organization and organizing products, as do many catalog companies, like Lillian Vernon and Get Organized. Specialty stores such as The Container Store and Organized Living are popping up in nationwide markets. Newspaper and magazine articles featuring people getting organized are printed every day.

With all the emphasis on getting organized, we’re going to continue seeing a lot more people taking measures to make changes in their disorganized lives.


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